Click link below to view tables organized by tax year to find the maximum amount of EITC you may be eligible for:
Who qualifies? You can claim the Child Tax Credit for each qualifying child who has a Social Security number that is valid for employment in the United States.
To be a qualifying child for the 2024 tax year, your dependent generally must:
You qualify for the full amount of the 2024 Child Tax Credit for each qualifying child if you meet all eligibility factors and your annual income is not more than $200,000 ($400,000 if filing a joint return).
Parents and guardians with higher incomes may be eligible to claim a partial credit.
Click link below for additional information about CTC tax credits:
Many individuals who RENT OR OWN, even those with only Social Security, SSI or disabilty income, qualify for the Homestead Property Tax Credt. The max amount receivable for 2024 is $1700 and is determined by a ratio of your income in combination with housing status. Calling 211 or Goodwill directly may help you determine if you do in fact qualify, Please do not schedule an appointment until you are sure you qualify, as there a limited number of spots available to our community.
Two key factors to determine eligibility are:
Click link below for additional information about Homestead property tax credits:
Who qualifies? You may qualify for a home heating credit if all of the following apply:
Note: You may be required to submit documentation to support your claim.
Click link below for additional information about CTC tax credits: